How we can cut $2B in excess bureaucratic costs in the USA by cutting some unused regulations.
Here, I will outline how we could save approximately $2B per year in the US economy though a simple law change and regulation reduction that, to my understanding, would have no downside. In summary, remove the remaining legacy bureaucracy associated with the Bayh-Dole Act and unleash the free market to innovate instead of fill in paperwork.
My hesitations about sharing this
The Peer-review process
First of all, I believe strongly in the benefits of the peer-review process to the growth of the US economy. In the USA grant award system, applicants must compete and only the strongest applications are funded. I have failed many more times than I have succeeded in applying for grants. I want to emphasize that I believe that this peer-review grant process is the engine of the US economy. So we absolutely do not want to lose that, it is an essential engine of progress. So what I am talking about here is minor tweaks to a very good system! Not scrapping the whole thing! Let's be SUPER clear about that!!!
To those of you that have applied, you know that it can feel like a gauntlet. Here is a pictorial representation that ChatGPT and I came up with to convey the feeling of applying for a grant:
If you make it through all the peer-reviewers trying to poke holes in your application, then you get to the promised land of a funded application!
My experience with NIH SBIR grants and inventions
My company Milo Sensors received a $223k Phase I SBIR award and a $2.2M Phase II SBIR grant from the US Government. I have also been a reviewer in more than four SBIR panels. I also am author on multiple patents, some of which were a result of inventions obtained using federal funding, and therefore fell under the Bayh-Dole Act. So I have seen the system from the perspective of a small business owner and inventor and also from the perspective of an independent reviewer evaluating other applications. Overall, all the reviewers I have met have been extremely professional and have prioritized good science and technology over anything else. The Program Officers and NIH employees that I have dealt with have similarly been professional and prioritized the best science without any discernable signs of major bias. So the system overall is working at funding good research and early-stage technology development. What I want to do is make it more efficient.
The Bayh-Dole Act
In 1980, the US Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act (PL 96-517, Patent and Trademark Act Amendments of 1980). Before this, inventions that arose out of federal government grants were owned by the federal government. The US Government was sitting on around 30,000 patents. As you can imagine, the government was not very efficient at commercializing these inventions as compared to the free market. The Bayh-Dole Act changed the law and allowed private companies to own patents that arose from federal government funding. The results have been widely lauded as leading to large-scale innovation within the private sector, leading to life-saving therapies and quality of life improving technologies. So overall, the combination of federally funded research together with private innovation has been a huge benefit to society. It all sounds great, right? Except, the Bayh-Dole Act left some bureaucratic claws in the private industry that are still holding things back.
The remaining claws
Surprise: it has never happened!
Consequences of the Bayh-Dole Act
My suggestions
Remaining march-in-rights
To improve the efficiency of federal grant funding process, the following actions should be taken: iEdison, the Bayh-Dole Act, and associated laws, should be replaced with a "free and clear" system whereby grant awardees are free and clear to develop IP as they see fit. I estimate that this would save tens of millions of dollars of federal funds and $2B/year in increased productivity among awardees, including universities and small businesses and free up innovators to innovate rather than fill in paperwork.